A Working Man (2025) is an upcoming action thriller directed by David Ayer and starring Jason Statham, David Harbour, and Michael Peña. The film, based on Chuck Dixon’s 2014 novel Levon’s Trade, is produced by Amazon MGM Studios in collaboration with Balboa Productions, Black Bear Pictures, and other production houses. The movie is set to release theatrically in the United States on March 28, 2025, with international releases following in April. Initially slated for a January release, the date was pushed back to allow for additional marketing and post-production refinements.
The production budget for A Working Man is estimated to be around $70–80 million, a typical range for high-octane action films featuring A-list stars like Jason Statham. The budget reflects the film’s ambitious scope, including intense action sequences, high-quality special effects, and international filming locations such as London and Berkshire. Principal photography began in April 2024 and wrapped by May 31, 2024, with meticulous attention to detail to ensure the film’s gritty and realistic tone.
The movie’s success story is already building momentum, thanks to its star-studded cast and the creative team behind it. Jason Statham, known for his action-packed roles in The Transporter and Fast & Furious franchises, brings his signature charisma and physicality to the role of Levon Cade, a former black-ops soldier turned construction worker who is forced to return to his violent past to rescue his boss’s kidnapped daughter. Directed by David Ayer, who previously helmed Fury and End of Watch, the film promises a blend of intense action and emotional depth. Additionally, Sylvester Stallone, who co-wrote the screenplay, adds his expertise in crafting compelling action narratives.
With its gripping plot, strong performances, and potential franchise appeal (given the source material’s extensive book series), A Working Man is poised to be a box office hit. The film’s themes of justice, corruption, and redemption resonate with audiences, and early buzz suggests it could become one of 2025’s standout action films. Fans eagerly await its release, anticipating another thrilling performance from Statham and a compelling story from Ayer and Stallone.