Ballerina: A John Wick Story is a spin-off set in the John Wick universe, focusing on Rooney (played by Ana de Armas), a highly skilled assassin trained in the deadly arts of ballet. The film takes place between the events of John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum and John Wick: Chapter 4, expanding the lore of the High Table and the shadowy world of assassins.
The story begins with Rooney seeking revenge for the murder of her family, who were killed by a rival assassin clan under orders from the High Table. Rooney, a graduate of the Ruska Roma (the same assassin syndicate that trained John Wick), uses her lethal skills to track down the killers. Along the way, she uncovers a conspiracy within the High Table involving a secret weapon that could shift the balance of power in the assassin underworld.
Keanu Reeves makes a cameo as John Wick, offering Rooney guidance and warning her about the cost of vengeance. Ian McShane also reprises his role as Winston, providing Rooney with critical information about her targets. The film culminates in a brutal showdown at a lavish opera house, where Rooney takes on the rival clan’s leader in a visually stunning and action-packed sequence.
The movie ends with Rooney defeating her enemies but realizing that her quest for revenge has only drawn her deeper into the assassin world. She walks away, bloodied but determined, setting up potential future stories in the John Wick universe.
Budget and Net Worth Prediction
- Budget: $90 million
The film’s budget would cover high-octane action sequences, elaborate set designs, and top-tier choreography, similar to the John Wick films. - Predicted Box Office: $400–500 million globally
With the popularity of the John Wick franchise and Ana de Armas’ rising stardom, the film is expected to perform well. - Net Worth Impact: Ana de Armas’ net worth (estimated at $10 million in 2023) could see a significant boost, solidifying her as a leading action star.