Marvel’s Inhumans (2017) follows the story of the Inhuman Royal Family, led by Black Bolt (Anson Mount), whose voice can cause massive destruction with a whisper. The series begins with a coup orchestrated by Black Bolt’s brother, Maximus (Iwan Rheon), who seeks to overthrow the monarchy and take control of their hidden city, Attilan, located on the Moon. The Royal Family, including Medusa (Serinda Swan), Karnak (Ken Leung), Gorgon (Eme Ikwuakor), and Crystal (Isabelle Cornish), are forced to flee to Earth after Maximus seizes power. Stranded in Hawaii, they must regroup, adapt to human society, and find a way to reclaim their home.
The show explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the rigid caste system of Attilan, which Maximus uses to justify his rebellion. Key moments include Medusa losing her prehensile hair in a shocking betrayal, Black Bolt’s silent leadership, and the eventual defeat of Maximus, who is left imprisoned and alone on the Moon. The series ends with the destruction of Attilan, forcing the Inhumans to integrate with Earth.
The production budget was approximately $80 million, with IMAX co-financing the first two episodes. However, the series was a critical and commercial failure, earning only $2.6 million in its IMAX run and receiving poor ratings.