Ballerina (2025), the highly anticipated spin-off from the John Wick universe, is set to captivate audiences with its blend of intense action, emotional depth, and a strong female lead. Starring Ana de Armas as Rooney, a deadly assassin seeking vengeance for her family, the film expands the John Wick franchise with a fresh perspective while maintaining the gritty, high-octane style fans love. With a production budget of $90 million,
Ballerina is a mid-sized action film that prioritizes practical stunts, intricate fight choreography, and immersive world-building. A significant portion of the budget was allocated to elaborate set pieces, including a breathtaking action sequence in a grand opera house and a high-speed motorcycle chase through the streets of Prague. The film also features cameos from John Wick stars Keanu Reeves and Ian McShane, further tying it to the larger universe.
The first trailer, released on January 10, 2025, has already generated massive excitement, amassing over 30 million views within its first week. Fans and critics alike have praised the trailer for its stunning visuals, intense action sequences, and Ana de Armas’s commanding performance. The trailer teases a story of revenge and redemption, with Rooney navigating the dangerous underworld introduced in the John Wick films. The movie is set to release globally on May 23, 2025, positioning it as a major summer action blockbuster.
Industry analysts are optimistic about the film’s box office potential, with early projections estimating a global gross of $400–500 million. The John Wick franchise has consistently performed well, and Ballerina is expected to follow suit, especially with its focus on a strong female protagonist and its connection to the beloved series. If successful, Ballerina could pave the way for more spin-offs and expand the John Wick cinematic universe even further. With its combination of star power, thrilling action, and a compelling story, Ballerina (2025) is poised to be one of the standout action films of the year, solidifying its place in the ever-growing John Wick legacy.