The Six Triple Eight (2024) is a powerful war drama directed by Tyler Perry, based on the true story of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the only all-Black, all-female unit deployed overseas during World War II. The film follows Major Charity Adams (Kerry Washington) as she leads 855 women on a mission to clear a massive three-year backlog of undelivered mail for U.S. soldiers stationed in Europe. Their motto, “No Mail, Low Morale,” underscores the critical importance of their work in maintaining troop morale.
The story highlights the challenges the women face, including racism, sexism, and grueling working conditions in freezing warehouses filled with spoiled mail. Despite these obstacles, the battalion sorts over 17 million pieces of mail in record time, proving their resilience and determination. The film also explores the personal struggles of the women, such as Lena Derriecott King (Ebony Obsidian), who must balance her duty with her longing for home.
The production budget for The Six Triple Eight is estimated at $50–60 million, reflecting its historical setting and ensemble cast. With its limited theatrical release and Netflix debut, the film is projected to earn $100–150 million globally, driven by its inspiring story and awards season buzz.