Dear Santa (2024) is a heartwarming holiday film that follows the story of a young girl named Lily, who writes a heartfelt letter to Santa Claus, asking for a Christmas miracle to save her struggling family. Set in a small, snow-covered town, the movie captures the magic of the holiday season while exploring themes of hope, kindness, and the power of belief.
Lily’s family is on the verge of losing their home due to financial hardships, and her parents are too proud to ask for help. Determined to save Christmas, Lily writes a letter to Santa, asking not for toys or gifts, but for her family to find happiness again. Her letter mysteriously finds its way to Nick, a kind-hearted man who works as a postal worker and secretly volunteers as a Santa impersonator. Touched by Lily’s words, Nick decides to step in and help.
As Nick rallies the community to support Lily’s family, he also helps them rediscover the importance of love and togetherness. Meanwhile, Lily’s belief in Santa inspires those around her, creating a ripple effect of generosity and goodwill. The film culminates in a magical Christmas Eve, where Lily’s family receives an unexpected gift that changes their lives forever.
The production budget for Dear Santa is estimated at $15–20 million, reflecting its modest scale and focus on heartfelt storytelling. With its universal appeal and holiday charm, the film is expected to perform well at the box office, potentially earning $50–70 million globally. Additionally, its release during the holiday season positions it for strong sales in home media and streaming platforms, further boosting its net worth and solidifying its place as a modern Christmas classic.